Un vice champion du monde ASP qui signe avec Fanatic, voilà une belle réussite. L’australien Luke Egan, que les amateurs de stand up avaient certainement vu dans la mythique vidéo Magic Carpet, signe chez Fanatic. Voilà qui augure du tout bon au niveau du développement de futures boards (shapes en collaboration avec Sebastian Wenzel et sa machine CNC).
Craig Gertenbach, Fanatic Brand Manager:
“As a big fan myself of the ASP Tour, Luke Egan´s name and reputation obviously speaks volumes, so it´s a great honour for Fanatic to have him onboard. Not only is he one of the greatest surfers of all time, Luke has loads of experience in R&D on Surfboard and SUP development, as well as an amazing background in event organising, athlete coaching and many other facets which will benefit Fanatic. Looking forward to seeing more of Luke and can´t wait to see the results of his co-operation with our shaper Sebastian Wenzel!”
Luke Egan:
“My good friend Derek O’Neill was training with the crew at Roar Industries in Currumbin, so joined I in as well and got hooked straight away. SUP training is the best I have ever done for my Shortboard surfing, I really wish this was around when I was doing the ASP World Tour, we are seeing a lot of pro surfers taking advantage from SUP. I am really honored and grateful for the opportunity to work with Fanatic and Sebastian Wenzel on the SUP designs. With my knowledge from designing Shortboards and Sebastian’s experience in CAD shaping, the boards in the upcoming collection will be hard to beat!”