Fanatic international annonce sur son site qu’elle signe le Sup rider australien Kyron Rathbone. Surf rider émérite, il épaulera les deux autres “australiens” du team Paul et Angela Jackson (Paul ayant courru sous les couleurs de la Nouvelle Zélande sur les mondiaux ISA). A terme aussi, ce nouveau venu pourra apporter son expertise pour le développement de nouveaux shapes de vagues. Le communiqué de Fanatic via son Brand Manager Craig Gertenbach : “I´m happy to welcome Kyron to our Fanatic International SUP team. His crazy videos and pictures have already given him a reputation as a hard core SUP rider, as well as a top tow-in surfer, in big waves, perfect for our growing SUP team. Along with the rest of the Aussie crew led by Paul and Angela Jackson, Kyron will be charging the biggest waves on his Fanatic toys and we are excited to see the next round of photos and videos!”
GitHub: Software description: i’m calling it, a web-based betting game thing (Ruby). →

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