/** * Simple Carousel * Copyright (c) 2010 Tobias Zeising, http://www.aditu.de * Licensed under the MIT license * * http://code.google.com/p/simple-carousel/ * Version 0.3 */ //EDITED BY ONETAREK (function($){ $.fn.simplecarousel = function( params ) { // set config var defaults = { width: 700, height: 500, next: false, prev: false, vertical: false, auto: false, fade: false, current: 0, items: 0, slidespeed: 600, visible: 1, pagination: false, hover:false//added by oneTarek }; var config = $.extend(defaults, params); // configure carousel ul and li var ul = $(this); var li = ul.children('li'); config.items = li.length; var height = config.height; var width = config.width; if(config.visible>1) { if(config.vertical) height = height*config.visible; else width = width*config.visible; } ul.wrap('